Sabine Matalka, LGPC

LGP15387 (License is under legal name: Sabeen Matalka)

Accepting New Clients

Sabine is an individual therapist who offers therapy sessions for Teens (12+), Young Adults and Parents who live in Baltimore and the surrounding area and are struggling with and/or can relate to:

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Self-esteem

  • Identity Development

  • Body Image Concerns

  • Life Transitions

  • Grief

  • Chronic Stress & Stress Management

  • Trauma/Post traumatic growth

  • Peer & Family Conflict/Dynamics

  • Emotional & Behavioral Wellbeing

  • Neurodivergence

  • Marginalized Communities

Sabine is a bilingual therapist, who provides therapy for individuals both in Arabic and English

Welcome to therapy!  I am truly honored and excited to be part of your journey. I understand that taking this step can be scary, overwhelming, exciting, or even something in between. My goal is to provide a safe and supportive space where we can acknowledge, embrace, and hold space for all the parts that are within you—the comfortable, peaceful, and joyous ones, as well as the uncomfortable, confusing, and heavy ones. Every part holds a story, and these stories and experiences make you the unique person you are.

I am here to listen and learn about your personal experiences that have contributed to the person you are today. I’d also love to know about the person you want to become while embracing your true, authentic self.

“Slowly, layer by layer, the real, authentic, beautiful version of you will be able to breathe again.” Zak Hazlett. 

I am here to hold that space for you. 

I am passionate about working with adolescents, young adults, and parents, navigating life transitions and all the twists and turns that come with it. As a therapist, I use an eclectic approach, incorporating different modalities tailored to your needs. At the heart of my work is a person-centered approach, with my strongest qualities as a clinician being my authenticity, empathy, and passion. This means I work collaboratively with you on your goals in ways that resonate and feel most authentic to you. I deeply value our client-therapist relationship and believe building a trusting foundation is essential for our work together and a vehicle for your growth. 

I look forward to embarking on this journey with you.


اهلاً وسهلاً

يسعدني جداً أن أكون جزءاً من رحلة التعافي الخاصة بك، وأدرك بأن اتخاذ هذه الخطوة قد يشكل شعور بالتحمس او بالارتباك او بالضغط في بعض الاحيان، ولكن هدفي هو ايجاد مساحة أمنة وداعمة لك ليتم من خلالها التعرف على الأجزاء المريحة او السعيدة في داخلك واحتوائها، وكذلك التعرف على الاجزاء المحزنة او الصعبة بداخلك واحتوائها، وذلك للوصول الى بر الأمان. ان كل جزء بداخلك يحمل قصة، وان هذه القصص والتجارب تجعل منك ومن شخصيتك فريدة ومتميزة

لذلك هدفي هنا هو الاستماع اليك والتعرف على هذه الاجزاء والتجارب التي ساهمت في بناء شخصيتك والتي تساهم كذلك في التعرف على الشخص الذي تريد ان تصبح عليه في المستقبل

بالتدريج ستتمكن شخصيتك الجميلة من التنفس مجدداً - زاك هازلت

انا هنا للاحتفاظ بهذه المساحة لك

لدي شغف بالعمل مع فئة الاطفال والمراهقين والشباب والاهل ومساعدتهم على مواجهة التغيرات الحياتية والاجتماعية والنفسية التي يمرون بها وما ينتج عنها. كمعالج، استخدم طرق وأساليب واستراتيجيات مختلفة ومصممة خصيصًا لاحتياجاتك وللتغيرات الخاصة لكل مرحلة من المراحل التي تمر بها. يتمحور عملي حول الشخص نفسه لتحقيق اهدافه التي ينوي الوصول اليها. من أساسيات عملي التي أقدرها واحترمها هي الثقة المتبادلة فيما بيننا، لنتمكن من الوصول الى الأهداف المراد تحقيقها

Interested in Scheduling with Sabine? Call her directly 667-848-0848 or E-mail at



Tuesday 10am-8pm (Telehealth & In-person)




Space Between Counseling Services is an out-of-network provider with many insurance companies, which means that we do not bill insurance companies directly. Your counseling services may be eligible for reimbursement through out-of-network benefits, medical spending (FSAs), or health care savings accounts (HSAs). Health insurance plans and benefits vary. If you are interested in using your health insurance, please call your insurance provider to inquire about reimbursement for out-of-network counseling services.

When Sabine isn't working with clients, she enjoys running, strength training, stretching, and walking. She values movement as part of her self-care routine, always seeking activities that make her feel good and connected with herself and others. Sabine loves traveling and discovering hidden gems in Maryland and around the world. She enjoys creating a bucket list of places she wants to see and experience; as she says, "Nothing feels better than crossing something off your bucket list."

Sabine loves to tap into her creative side, experimenting with various art mediums and creative writing, which is also a big part of her self-care routine. This blend of physical activity, travel, and creativity enriches her life, making every moment a cherished adventure.

Learn more about Sabine on Instagram (@Nurturingwithin)

Empowering Change for All: Breaking Down the Barrier to Eating Disorder Care – MEDA 2023 National Conference

American Counseling Association – MEMBER ONLY 6614632

Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling - Johns Hopkins University

Master of Science in Psychology (Conversion): Accredited by the British Psychological Society) – University of Chester

Bachelor of Arts in Drama and Theatre Studies – Royal Holloway, University of London


Sabine’s individual fee is $175 per 60-minute intake session and 45-minute follow-up session.

SBCS is not paneled with any insurance plans but can offer you what's called "out-of-network benefits" (OONB). Not everyone has this as part of their benefits package, so please call your healthcare plan and ask these questions:

Do I have out-of-network benefits?
What percentage of my therapist's fee does my plan pay for?


At times, insurance plans request upfront billing codes that SBCS will be using.  You can share this list of codes with them for approval:

  • 90791  Psychiatric Diagnostic Assessment (from 1-4 sessions depending on the problem)

  • 90834 Psychotherapy, 45 minutes

  • 90847  Family Psychotherapy, conjoint psychotherapy with patient present

  • 90846 Family Psychotherapy, without patient present

  • 90887 Collateral visit

When using OON benefits, SBCS will provide you with a monthly document called a "superbill," which is like an invoice but contains the service codes, dates of treatment, and payments made during therapy. You would submit this to your plan directly, and your plan would reimburse you directly as well.

You can get in-network therapy if this is outside your budget. Your plan can identify providers who are in-network should you need to use your benefits.


Space Between Counseling Services utilizes a HIPAA compliant, encrypted, electronic medical record called SimplePractice that holds all of my client's mental health records safely in it. You will get a link to a client portal where you fill in demographic information and can access documents like invoices and superbills on your own.

SimplePractice has a credit card processing system named Stripe embedded in it.  If choosing to work with SBCS you would upload your credit card number and SBCS would tap the card after each session or late cancellation for the fee. SBCS only have access to the last 4 digits of your card and it is completely secured.


At Space Between Counseling Services, we have a 24 business hour cancellation policy. You will be responsible for an entire session fee of $175, if the change is made in less than 24 business hours' notice. Exceptions may be made for emergencies such as sudden illness or accident, at my discretion. It should be noted that insurance does not reimburse for canceled sessions and HSA and FSA cards can't be used in these cases.